Recycling a chocolate box with Octavia Dragonfly

I have a huge drawer of boxes and containers that I know one day I will turn in to something ..... what, I'm not sure but I will alter them somehow. This time it was the turn of a chocolate box which had great deep sides and looks similar to a box frame. I have only used the lid, so still have the base to play with .....

I used the Octavia Dragonfly image from Polka Doodles as my main image and inspiration for my mixed media piece.

One of my birthday presents was wrapped in black tissue paper .... a lot of tissue paper, so being a canny crafter, I spirited it away to use one day. I covered my box in the tissue paper and sealed it with Maimeri Gloss Gel. I made sure that it was all crinkly and multi layered. Once dry, I covered it with pewter and silver pan pastels, sealing again with the Maimeri Glassy Gel.

I then covered the background with torn paper pieces from the CD (or download kit), edging them first in magenta pan pastel. Again they were sealed with Maimeri Glassy Gel.

Next came the decorating or basically throwing everything at it .... hee, hee, hee. I have used a range of the ephemera pieces found in the kit, layering them up over the box. I have added flowers found again in the same kit, layering with huge paper roses, lace and beaded berries. On the top edges I have added butterfly edging die cut. In the corner there are also hanging crystals and lace to create some movement.

Octavia has been mounted and raised from the background to be amongst the words, (sentiment also on CD). As a finishing touch, I added grommets and eyelets around the edges.

I also used the same butterfly edge behind the front frame as I felt there needed to be something there! I backed the frame with acetate so that I had somewhere to stick my words too.

Phew ... think that's everything. I just wanted to make a mixed media piece that combined all the messy bits with printable items as sometimes we seem to compartmentalise each crafting genre rather than realising they can work together ... if you want them too!

Right I'm off to make myself a huge honey and lemon as my eyes are stinging. my nose is running, I'm sneezing up a storm and basically, feel a little sorry for myself ...Maybe I can pretend it's man flu to get extra sympathy ... hee, hee, hee.

x x x

Products I used:

Creative Corner Challenges - wonderland
Fussy and Fancy - things with wings
Polka Doodles - flower power
Come and get it challenges - texture
Allsorts - flower power
My time to craft - bugs and insects
Crafting from the heart - anything goes
Through the purple haze - anything goes


Anjie said…
Love the brightness of this. It's FAB!
Naomi said…
How lovely. Dose yourself and hope you are better soon.
Tracy said…
Stunning Lou. warm...feel better soon .Big hugs xxxxx
Anonymous said…
This is brilliant, so pretty too, love that image xx
KarinsArtScrap said…
this is gorgeous Lou
great colour combo
Gr Karin
Linda Simpson said…
WOW Lou this is amazing! I got my CD the other day and will be playing with mine tomorrow. Love this and the saying is brilliant as well as the embellishments.
Linda xxx
Unknown said…
Outstanding Lou, what a super way to use an empty choccie box, hope you feel better soon, hugs xxx
Céline said…
fantastic project !!!
thanks for playing with us at fussy and fancy
Jackie T said…
Hi Lou this is a fantastic project. It is amazing that you can make anything so beautiful out of an old box. I have lots of boxes that I ought to do something with. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs Jackie
Andree said…
A fabulous altered box Lou. I love the colourway and all the little details x
Unknown said…
Fabulous Lou love the design. Hugs Jennifer xx
cohenna said…
Beautiful! Thanks so much for playing along with us at MMTC :)
Barb said…
Stunning with lots of detailed pieces. Thanks for sharing with us at the Come And Get It challenge. Barb
N-Eva said…
Oh this is beautiful, what a lovely card. Love your coloring! Such a wonderful creation with great attention to detail. Love the colours and embellishments. All the elements work so well together. . Thank you for sharing your wonderful project with us at Come And Get It challenge.Neva
Unknown said…
Lou this is amazing ,just mind blowing
Hugs Sus xxxx
Peanut said…
How fab is this card, Lou. I can feel the power in the flowers!
hugs, Asha (DT)
p.s. Thanks for playing along with PolkaDoodles’ Flower Power challenge. :)
Meighan Wheller said…
Fabulous card. Just love all the flowers, image, well everything. Thank you for sharing with us at Come and Get It and we hope you will join us again soon. Meighan DT
wow simply beautifully made..

Fiona DT
* Shell B.* said…
Simply beautiful, adorable little fairy & great design!

Glad that you could join us for the challenge at Come And Get It…..hope to see you back soon!

¸..• ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.•´ .•´¨¨))*((¸¸.•´ ..•´
Shell in Alaska ~ CAGI DT ~
Karon said…
I love this Lou :-) Didn't realise we could enter our own challenges :-) Hugs, Karon.