Creating quick mini albums using Tonic Studios Keepsake Creator Insert dies - THREE ideas in one video!

Oh my this video journey has been very tricky at times and I am sure there were days it simply was not going to happen! It has been a steep learning curve but one I have actually relished. Today I am very privileged to be on the Tonic Studios blog sharing both my Memorable Moments Keepsake Creator Insert mini album but also a video I made showing different ways to create a mini album using these very versatile dies.

Here's the album I created ...


You can check out the Tonic Studios Blog HERE
Now on to the video ... . The video itself is made of three different parts/stories showing how the dies work and how you can use them in a project - extra inspiration.

Part 1 - using the dies to create a mini album but working from the centre outwards

Part 2 - using the dies to create both pages and a strong spine

Part 3 - making a double sided interactive page - for a larger memory book - but 
WITHOUT any glue!

The projects have been made 'in real time' and there has been no clipping of the video, so it will really give you an idea of how quickly the base books can be made. Click on the photo below to be taken straight to the video ...

 Creating quick mini books using dies

... alternatively you can find the video HERE

I sincerely hope you find the video of use & inspiring. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I will try my best to answer/help.

OOOhhhhhhhh, before I go, I created a previous video reviewing the die set and also having a closer look around my finished album ...

 ... alternatively if clicking on the photo doesn't work, try HERE

Many thanks for popping over - it really is appreciated,

x x x


Iā€™m listing the products I used below to create my project. Click on the shop icon or photo to go directly to the product. Where available I use compensated affiliate links which means if you make a purchase I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you so much for your support!


KarinsArtScrap saidā€¦
it looks very beautiful Lou

Gr Karin
Katie saidā€¦
Beautiful mini album